
Make a home in the world.
Our programming prepares you, your team, or your community to encounter large-scale changes in a pragmatic, creative, and homegrown way.
  • Want to know how artificial intelligence will impact your work?
  • Want to start a business that respects and acknowledges the natural world upon which we rely?
  • Want  to live a life with integrity despite increasing polarization and the rising power of institutions?
Your long-term resiliency hinges on your ability to respond to the massive technical, economic, cultural, and social changes.

Through our programs you will:

  • better understand the issues through hands-on experience and through engagement with experts
  • develop new skills and relationships to be resilient to “what’s coming”
  • untangle the polarization that keeps you stuck
  • create, refine, and apply a framework unique to you, your organization, and/or your community for working with large, abstract, and volatile issues
  • develop pragmatic strategies for navigating uncertainty
  • gain confidence to act
We can tailor our programming to the specific challenges of your team or organization.