Work with Us

Since our founding in 2017, UKAI Projects has provided thousands with encounters with large-scale changes that are hard to put a finger on. We have delivered projects on intellectual freedom, artificial intelligence, climate change, and rising authoratarianism in Germany, Canada, Italy, Iceland, Malawi, Egypt, China, and the United States.

Leveraging projection, robotics, artificial intelligence, sound, storytelling, and more, we design and deliver Interactive and immersive encounters that bring us closer to the world we're in and the world that's coming.

Sometimes these encounters are uncomfortable, but when we avoid uncomfortable experiences, we avoid having to respond.

Too often we rely on what we read or hear to make up our mind, When we rely on ideologies or institutions to make our decisions, we are skipping a step. We’ve decided what something means before we have the experience. 

And when we apply old techniques to new problems, we end up repeating the patterns that got us here.